eBook WATERBALL -The Real Life Rasengan

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ISBN: 978-630-312-418-6
SKU: urn:uuid:92f063d2-a9b4-4bc8-a915-168f4d46b29c


eBook ePub WATERBALL -The Real Life Rasengan – Stephan D. Alexander – Editura Letras, 2025

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My dear readers, my name is Stefan Dragos Alexandru and I come from Romania.

I was born in 1988, one year after that everything changed in my country with the fall of Communism, but in reality even after more than 3 decades deep wounds still remain to this day.

I went to school in my small village of 2 Mai and then to High school in Mangalia. I continued my studies with Naval Academy: Academia Mircea cel Batran from Constanta, I took my Masters degree and I went sailing on these types of ships : Bulker, Container, Passenger, River Longship, and RO-RO Passenger .

I sailed both on the sea and rivers and I became an Officer.

But that is just my job, what I really wanted was something else…

I wanted to study and learn about the forces of nature, the Occult, Magic, science, genetics, and robotics…

Yeah…all these subjects are close to my heart, but unfortunately  there was no opportunity for me to learn, where I lived there were no such schools or institutions in the past and sure enough not accessible for me, sure there are normal schools but nothing about genetics and the Occult…well that is another story. Now there is robotics, genetics but still not all kids can access those things, because of low income families or even distance (from home to school).

As a child I was fascinated by the ability of Buddhist monks to do amazing things, like: walk on hot coals, sleep in below zero degrees, jump really high, and walking on vertical mountains.

From documentaries to movies and anime from Superman, The Thing (DC Thing) to Naruto and Bleach and Dragon Ball I watched them all and there was always this question:

`What is the author’s inspiration?` It has to come from somewhere…They have to use a base philosophy for all these movies, anime and concepts.

The answer was simple, they do.

Naruto and Dragon Ball for example have plenty concepts about energy, that are found in Tai Chi, qi gong, Ki and many more like Yoga with Prana and of course kundalini.

All these concepts and philosophies are ancient and quite difficult to understand by a child….so years have passed and book after book after book was read…

I did not have access to ancient texts or manuscripts…all I found was nice looking books with cool titles, many of them after page 100 you realize that the author is either a scammer or does not know anything and just copied a text from somewhere.

Some books were interesting but dangerous because they presented just a fragment of a text and if someone would try to experiment that person may suffer an accident or more.

Then there is the doctrine problem that some books present.

You see, my dear reader, as you enter into the Occult you find more and more doctrines or things to tell you how to think.

I, as a person, would like to make my own opinion about life and experience it.

What you experience is unique to yourself; you don’t need more people telling you how you should think. We see this way too often in Religion, Politics and all other domains like the Occult.

Let’s look at it from the philosophy point of view:


You must learn how to breathe to take Prana/air and create energy, thus breathing is important

Qi gong /Tai chi

You must learn how to breathe to take QI/KI/CHI and create energy, thus breathing is important.

You see? All of them talk about the same thing, energy but have different names for it.

Let’s take a general Physics class:

In an electrical cord, energy (electrical current) passes through the electrical wire to the socket or an object. When energy passes through the electrical wire it creates a electromagnetic field. By having a cover over the wire you prevent the loosing of energy and protect from the danger of electrocution.

Qi/KI/CHI/Prana (Ki is a Japanese word that means energy or life force in Chinese the word becomes Chi) is life force or life energy same as electric current passes through a wire into a circuit the same energy is assimilated from food, water and air and passes through our blood in our veins , we feel it in our fingertips, in our belies when we are full, we feel it when we make love or when we hate…it is always there, because it is us  and when we die the energy is released back to Earth.

I used the word “doctrine” because my origins are  Slavic, more exact Lipovean, it means that I am Christian-Orthodox in Old ritual, my ancestors came to Romania about 300 years ago running away from religious persecution from Russia.

Since I was a child, people were always telling me how to hold my hands when I pray and many other things, some people were looking at me different on the way I was making the sign of the Cross, but that was the way I was raised, I was born into a house of Lipoveni from Romania.

As a child you cannot chose the house that you are born into.

History tells us that all began in the mid 17th century with the  Schism of the Russian Church, also known as Raskol, a word that means split, Patriarch Nikon with the support from the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich,  starts to correct all Russian bibles in accordance with their modern Greek counterparts and changed some of the rituals  and here we arrive on what I wrote up about the sign of the Cross :

– The two-finger sign of the cross was replaced by the one with three fingers.

People protested this change but it was for nothing. Ignoring these protests, the reforms were approved by the church in 1654–1655. In 1653–1656, furthermore it was not only the books that had to change but the people as well in an old legend we are told that the tar was ordering to the religious leaders to tell the men to shave their beards and women to cut their hair very short those who will defy the tar lose their heads.

This story or legend I learned from my great-grandfather Naum Roman:

Legend or not this was religious persecution an many knew it was just the beginning as soon more people will lose their lives and suffer so the ones that left Russia and settled in Romania and other countries were called OLD RITE or more exact Lipoveni in Romania.

As for the sign of the Cross:


The 2 finger sign means:

– the 2 natures of Christ, one of God (divine)  and the other one as human and the other 3 fingers mean the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)

The 3 finger sign means:

– The Trinity or the unity of one God in 3 persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

What I can say is that I learned how to think for myself and did and do my best to respect others as people and also as ideologies and doctrines, but I still say that I chose to think for myself.

And that was it! I am proud to be whom I am and proud to be born where I was born as a Romanian lipovean I will treasure this all my life.

I hope I did not bore you my dear reader, you see this book is not meant to start a cult or break or create a new philosophy.

This waterball or waterbomb technique is a creation of mine, it is unique and I would like to teach you how to make it, I consider this a practical book and the rest is small explication.

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