eBook Misery - Truth or illusion

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Are there really that many benefits to you when you suffer? I do not think so. Then why do you keep going?

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ISBN: 978-630-312-145-1
SKU: LETRAS-9786303121451


eBook ePUB Misery - Truth or illusion - Catalin Ilioaea - Editura Letras

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“Throughout this book, I want you to become aware of the fact that you allow misery too easily to settle into your life, and you give happiness too little chance. For that I’ll have to scold you a bit, though you should be the one doing it.

Are there really that many benefits to you when you suffer? I do not think so. Then why do you keep going?

If you don’t have an answer, I invite you to read the thoughts of a simple man who, after years of listening and observing the world around him, came to wonder:

Is misery real or is it an illusion?

I have selected some of the causes that lead to misery, and in each chapter I have tried to present you the aspects that few choose to explore and understand.

I hope this book will help you find your own answers.”

—the Author

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