eBook Game of Intelligences and of Values

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ISBN: 978-630-312-279-3
SKU: urn:uuid:cae40bea-02a1-418e-bf11-5656905d63cd


eBook ePUB Game of Intelligences and of Values - Sustainable Behavior – Alina Ion – Editura Letras, 2024

Alina Ion surprises us once more with a new innovative educational tool through which, after previously building mechanisms for stimulating and developing narrative creativity in interrogative contexts, thus activating that “why?” through which every child creates a welcoming horizon for himself, now focuses on another undefinable of intelligence, that of values, inner experiences and emotional commitments. The last two decades have established a new perspective aimed at exploring the emotional aspects of intelligence and at bringing to the surface the tacit values that normatively configure behaviors and attitudes. In this regard, problematizing without axiological awareness and intentional commitment does not guarantee formative and educational success. Therefore, education for sustainability is not possible without awareness of values and without internalization of specific beliefs that are the expression of those virtues that today’s philosophers consider to be prerequisites for an ethics of care. I am persuaded that the subtlety and smooth articulations of the educational tool proposed by Alina Ion will make it desired by students and their teachers alike.

Phd. Prof. Constantin Stoenescu

Despre autor

Alina Ion is known in the school environment, as well as in the homeschooling communities, due to the completely new activities of learning through play that she proposes, and also thanks to her mediation, training, vocational counseling, human development, activation of creative potential, training of multiple intelligences and sustainable education projects that have made her so popular and, most and foremost, that have made her so loved by children.

Alina Ion
Alina Ion

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